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Air resources

Air resources & life support units

In the workplace, people’s airways may be exposed to different types of risks. Effective protection against these risks often requires the use of personal protective equipment in the form of respiratory protection. This equipment must be of good quality, durable and resistant to various influences and exposures. This ensures that the required protective effect is maintained throughout the use of it.

Maintenance & Cleaning

After use, respiratory protective equipment should be cleaned, sanitised and tested before it is used again. We offer this service both in our shop and onsite.


Testing after use is important to check the correct functioning of the respiratory protective equipment. For half-face masks, this means checking the mask body, straps, valves and seals. For full-face masks, a quantitative test on the ‘test head’ needs to be added to this. Using specially developed test equipment, the functioning of the mask is checked against measurement data (leakage test over- and underpressure, functioning of valves, capacity on ventilation) in order to guarantee the high level of protection.

Products of Air resources

Filter on type
Easy Air Masker Half mouth mask
Stofmasker Picco 20 Half mouth mask
Nova Combitox masker Half mouth mask
Nova combitox & X-Plore 8700 PAPR (powered air-purifying respirators) , Half mouth mask
PNP masker Compressed air breathing overpressure
PNRA masker Full mouth mask
PNRA masker voor X-Plore 8700 PAPR (powered air-purifying respirators) , Full mouth mask
FPS 7000 RA Full mouth mask
FPS 7000 RA voor X-Plore 8700 (PAPR) PAPR (powered air-purifying respirators) , Full mouth mask
X-plore 8700 ‘PAPR ATEX PAPR (powered air-purifying respirators)
Airflowmotor Speedglas welding helmets and grinding helmets with PAPR / motor filter
Dräger luchtkap/helm voor X-Plore 8700 PAPR (powered air-purifying respirators)
Ademhelm transparant vizier M-307 Speedglas welding helmets and grinding helmets with PAPR / motor filter
Lasluchtkap met helm (speedglas) Speedglas welding helmets and grinding helmets with PAPR / motor filter
Vluchtmasker Parat 3200 Escape masks and escape hoods dependent breathing air
Vluchtmasker Parat 7530 Escape masks and escape hoods dependent breathing air
Live Saver CF-15 (Vluchttoestel met kap) Self-contained breathing air flight sets
Live Saver CF-15 PP Self-contained breathing air flight sets
Verse Luchtkap (Junior-b) Air caps
Luchtkap T-Airline Chem 3 Air caps
Air cap T-airline Chem 3 with inner helmet Air caps
Monnikskap onderdruk Full mouth mask
Monnikskap overdruk Full mouth mask
Monnikskap voor X-plore 8700 PAPR (powered air-purifying respirators) , Full mouth mask
Schubert helm met gelaatscherm Compressed air breathing air filters
Laskapje PNP/PNRA masker Compressed air breathing air filters
Heupgordel voor airline inzet Compressed air breathing overpressure
Ademautomaat Compressed air breathing overpressure
X-Plore 9300 Heupgordelstuk
Pas-x-plore Heupgordelstuk
Ademluchtslang Breathing Air Net Hoses
Perslucht toevoerslang voor ademluchtfilter Compressed air breathing air filters
Persluchtdemper Compressed air breathing air filters
Verdeelstuk Breathing Air Net Hoses
Verdeelstation Breathing Air Net Hoses
Ademluchtfilter model 2009 (H₂O/Geur/ 1µ ) Compressed air breathing air filters
Ademlucht inblaasfilter Compressed air breathing air filters
Zuurstofkoffer (APOX) Escape masks and escape hoods dependent breathing air
PAS Colt Compleet Compressed air breathing overpressure
PSS3000 Compleet Compressed air breathing overpressure
Breathing Air Trolley 'Apollo Junior'
Ademluchtwagen 'Apollo' Life Support Units
Ademlucht Aanhangwagen 'Titan' Life Support Units
Ademlucht Aanhanger 'Titan XXL' Life Support Units
Ademlucht Aanhangwagen 'Vulcan' Life Support Units
Ademluchtunit 'Jupiter' Life Support Units


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